


ElectroCity is an excellent teaching tool students love and it is worth sharing with parents.  It is a game that focuses on critical thinking where students make various decisions as a mayor of this town in order to bring “prosperity” to the town and the people.  The focus of this game is not to indoctrinate students about any energy issues that currently are in debate as different mayors may define “prosperity” differently and, with that in mind, they try to make sound decisions as they run the town.
The comments below are students’ reflections where they discuss their definition of “prosperity”, the results of the game and etc.

Bagamoyo Information


It was great to see many parents at our information session about the Grade 4 Bagamoyo trip yesterday. If you missed the session, the brief presentation is in the link below.

Please ensure you return the permission and medical forms to your child’s class teacher soon.



Gallery Walk


Thanks to all the parents and friends who came to visit our classes for their Gallery Walk, several parents commented on the amazing effort displayed and how much they learnt from the students during the walk. The students worked hard to prepare their posters and presentations, and afterwards many were quoted as saying “Now that we are confident, we want to do it all over again!”