Grade 4 Assembly – April 2013


Grade 4 Assembly – April 2013

If you missed our recent Grade 4 assembly about ‘Energy’ click on the link to see the video recording on youtube.

Thanks to all the students and teachers involved for a great performance!

Energy UoI – Upcoming Assembly!


Grade 4 students are deep in our next Unit of Inquiry, which focuses on the transdiciplinary theme of how the world works. During this unit we will be focusing on Energy and Electricity generation.  This is an exciting unit that promises to develop curious scientists and conscientious energy users.


Central Idea

Energy may be converted, transformed and used to support human progress.


Lines of Inquiry

1) different forms of energy sources (renewable and nonrenewable)

2) how energy is used (transformation)

3) sustainable energy practice



We will be demonstrating our learning through our assembly on April 12th

Mark your calendars now!


 Grade 4 Team


PHOTO Exhibition

Please join us for the Grade 4

Friday February 22nd, 7:30 – 2:30

(The Opening Ceremony is 7:30 – 7:45; we would LOVE as many parents as possible to be there)
On the stage of the PE Hall, IST Elementary campus.
Students will be displaying photos they took using photographic elements, composition ideas and photo manipulation tools and mounting skills, to demonstrate a PYP attitude or learner profile.
Please enter through the stage door near the pool changing rooms any time on Friday. The exhibit will be open to the public during the whole school day, though classes will be in session elsewhere.