Grade 4’s Assembly (Nov 30, 2012)

On Friday, Nov. 30th grade 4 performed a thought provoking assembly on Children’s Rights and Responsibilities. The students wrote and performed dialogue poems based on children around the world they had researched. They shared the story of Iqbal Masih, a child activist.

Here are some reactions from those who saw the performance:

  • I have to thank you for bringing many important issues to light in such a public way.
  • On return to the classroom, your assembly generated discussion for the entire next period.
  • Our class was very moved by your assembly today.
  • The entire staging of the assembly was intense and carried the right tone and message.

2 Responses to Grade 4’s Assembly (Nov 30, 2012)

  1. Daria Dewji says:

    It was a fantastic assembly. Well done to all the kids and the staff involved.

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